Welcome to Chemistry!

7 08 2023

Welcome to Mr. Krug’s chemistry classes at Murray High School!  I am committed to making the 2023-2024 school year a rewarding experience for each and every one of you. Chemistry will be an exciting journey into the study of matter and the changes it undergoes!

Supplies you’ll need for Mr. Krug’s class this year:

  • Pencils and Pens
  • Scientific Calculator (Graphing Calculators are fine, but not required)
  • Notebook paper (for note-taking, classwork and homework)
  • Folder or Binder (for saving all coursework and papers)
  • Composition Notebook (for laboratory reports)

Sign up for Mr. Krug’s text messages via Remind!

  • For AP Chemistry, send @apchem2024 to 81010.
  • For Honors Chemistry, send @chemkrug to 81010.

Assignments will be posted week-by-week on this website, krugslist.org for the benefit of students in quarantine.  For your specific class assignments, click the tab for your class above.

A Message to Parents:

Dear Parents:

I am eagerly looking forward to working with your child this year in science!  If there is anything I can do to be of assistance in helping your child succeed, please do not hesitate to ask.  The best way to contact me is by e-mail at Jeremy.Krug@murray.kyschools.us.  Although chemistry can often be a difficult subject, I hope to make your son or daughter’s high school experience in my class as enjoyable, memorable, and painless as possible.

I am committed to making the 2023-2024 school year a rewarding experience for your student.  Thank you in advance for your support of your child’s education.  I’m looking forward to a wonderful year!

Jeremy Krug, N.B.C.T.

Chemistry Instructor – Murray High School